Monday, August 24, 2009

Win # 45 so close yet so far. I guess I was not a good student.

On Saturday I came this close to getting win #45.But I run into the Black Widow and her bite took be down. It happen in the 1St game.The game for me was not going very well.In early parts I just could not win a hand.But i held on I made the finale table and the cards started turning for me.And before I knew it I was heads up with a 3 to 1 chip lead.But I was heads ups with my coach (The Black Widow) Trisha Pena.In 3 years Trisha and I have only gone heads up 2 times.And the score is 1 to 1.Well this one turn into a blood bath. After Trisha took the chip lead only once did I get close.She had a 10,000 chip lead on me when I had K J off suit in the big blind.The flop came 9 9 J.So I when all in and she called me and show J 9.She flop a full house!!!!!To give her win # 35 with American Rounders.Then is the 2Th game Trisha won AGAIN.Giving her win #36 and her 1St back to back in almost a year.So in closing I guess I was not a very good student.Because the teacher took the student to school AGAN.And congrats to Trisha on two big wins.

1 comment:

  1. Flopping boat to win game one and flopping quads to win game two had nothing to do with it, haha! You played an excellent game!
