If you been a reading my blog for any length of time. You know
that I have had the blessing of knowing a beautiful lady by the name
of Trisha Pena. Trisha is the most amazing best friend a person
could ever have. She would be a blessing to anybody’s life.
By just being a part of your life. And she is an amazing poker
player. But what most people don’t know is that Trisha is an
amazing athlete in her own right. And that is the Trisha Pena that I
want to introduce to the rest of the world.
Back in 2004 Trisha decide it that she wanted to compete in a half
marathon. So with little or no training Trisha enter the “The
Tom King Classis”. On that faithful Saturday morning she set out on
her journey. And finish her first half. I will have to tell you
I done 2 half marathons myself. And I spend months training for a
race. To think that she did this race with no training is an amazing
feat. But she would not stop there. About a month later she
enter the Country Music Half Marathon. Once again she did a
great job. To me that was a short turn around to do a 2Th race.
Over the next few years Trisha would compete in one to two races
per year. Improving her time in each race. To the point where she
turn in a time of 3:25:52. In the 2008 Country Music Half Marathon.
Cutting over 30 minutes off her best time. To celebrate this
great accomplishment Trisha signs up for the 2008 Las Vegas Marathon.
That is a 26.2 mile race. On that day I was playing poker. Trisha had
signed me up to receive text messages. So I could keep up with her
progress. I have to tell you ever time my phone when off. I was
so excited. But when I got the text to tell me she has finished.
I was yelling at the top of my lungs. You will never know what an
accomplishment that is. Trisha I know that I have said this
before. I hope you know how proud of you I am of you. And you
should be to.
As 2009 came to an end Trisha finished her 10Th half
marathon when she completed in the Las Vegas Half Marathon. And
in September she completed in the Woman’s Half Marathon here in
Nashville. That was her 12Th half marathon in seven
years. That is an amazing accomplishment. By an amazing lady.
Thank you for taking the time to read this post.
Trisha I'm so proud of your accomplishments.
But I'm just as proud to call you my friend.
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