Tuesday, June 4, 2013

2012 Las Vegas Half Marathon

Back in December I made my way back to Las Vegas to compete in the Rock and Roll Las Vegas half marathon. This would be my 5Th half marathon in three years. My first after having knee surgery. Unfortunately Trisha was not able to come out for the race. The good news was she got a new job. (Thank You God.)
The race was at night for the second year in a row. And this year the course when by the famous sign. Which made me very happy. The weather was much warmer then last year. It was a great night for the race. I was afraid that I would be much slower because of my knee, and it showed. My time was 4:16:32. One of my slower times for a half.
As far as the rest of the trip it was fun. I didn't have much luck at the poker tables, but I got to try some restaurants that I never been before. One was In-n-Out burger. it was one of the best burgers I have ever had. You can go to my podcast to hear a review of that visited. www.redneckwinesnob.com I also got to go to Tony Roams Rib's in downtown Vegas. It was the first time I been there in 20 years. Was it ever good. I will do a review of it one of these days. That a recap of my trip to Las Vegas. Till next time. Good day and God Bless.


  1. Hmmm. A Las Vegas post. I wonder why now..... ;-p

  2. Trisha, I been needing to update my blog. And NOW was as good as any...... ;-p
