In the poker world there are a few player that can be called a king. The W.S.O.P has Phil Hellmuth. And the American Rounders in Nashville Tn has Von Moye. Von puled off the rare feat of becoming a back to back to back to back venue champion at Legends Bar and Grill. And what makes this so amazing is Von miss a few weeks of play. But because of his strong play he was still able to win his 4Th straight championship . So with that I must say congrats to King Von. Long live the king.
Thanks Trey. Playing very tight and only strong hands is what I'm know for. Very seldom do I bluff, but I can because of my tight play and showing hands after dragging the pots. Back to Back to Back to Back Titles. I really enjoy playing and meeting so many Texas Holdem players in Nashville.