As I look at my life over the pass 5 years. It been a journey with many little steps along the way. As many of you know I had a stroke on May 17Th of 2005. And on that day my journey begin. The first step for me was to learn how to walk and talk again. Because after my stroke I was not able to do ether. But after many weeks of physical therapy and Gods blessing. I was able to complete that first step. And there have been many more scents then. And on April 10Th I took what I feel is my biggest step. As you know I have lost 45 pounds and I'm trying to live a healthy life style. So in March I started walking as a part of that life style. Much to my surprise really enjoyed it and I was good at it. And soon i was doing 3 miles in 75 minutes. Any it didn't long for to get down to 66 minutes to do 3miles. So with that I decided to try a 5k. I found out about the Purity Moosic City 5k Dairy Dash. It was being held a Metro Center. It was a great course to do a 5k, it was flat and fast. So on that Saturday Trisha and I met at the starting line. As we started I found a good pace and stayed with it. And soon I was crossing the finish line. I can not tell you how proud i felt when Trisha came up hugged me. Six months ago there was no way i could have done this. I was hoping that could complete the 5k in 66 minutes. But on this day I was able to do in in 55:18. As great as that was I still got work do. Trisha was able to do it in 44:32.. Again I have to say Thank You to Trisha for all you help. But for now I will be taking a break form walking as I will start my 3Th round of weight lost.
Very nice post. Everyone who knows you is proud of you.